Carbon Reduction

Our target is reduce our relative carbon footprint by 2.5% year on year

In 2007 Thomas Storey made a formal commitment to reduce its emissions and therefore negative impact upon the environment.  In order to assess the current situation at that time a project was undertaken, alongside the Carbon Trust, to calculate the carbon footprint.

The carbon footprint in 2007 was 1,834 tonnes per annum.

A ‘Carbon Reduction Team’ was established to look, in an ongoing style, at projects that could be implemented that would benefit both the Company and the environment.  Project ideas have ranged from the very easy and cheap (signs on light switches to turn off after use, plunger taps fitted in washrooms to reduce water) through to more complex and expensive (old-style welding sets being replaced with new power-efficient models, long-term paint trials embarked upon to find paint that dries faster, at a lower temperature and with less solvent content).

Current projects include:

  • The introduction of new software for laser cutting to cut and utilise steel more efficiently, thereby reducing both waste and energy;
  • Using lean principals across production lines to reduce the need for material movement, storage etc
  • Increase efficiencies in the through-put of the powder coating line
  • Investigations into the use of stillaging for supplied products rather than cardboard boxes or pallets; and
  • Changes to the way we deliver product to see if fuel can be reduced.

In 2013 the carbon footprint was 1,536 tonnes per annum, and in 2014 it reduced down to 1,420 tonnes – a target-beating saving of 8%!

In 2015 however our footprint remained at 1,420 tonnes. 
Through the alternative purchasing of electricity in 2017, our footprint reduced to 1,340 tonnes despite having a greater manufacturing output than 2015.
In 2019 our carbon footprint increased slightly to 1,366 tonnes.  However, in relative terms, this represented a fall of 11% as our turnover increased by 14% in that same period.

Our target going forwards is to focus on electricity usage and see where reductions can be made.  Can we purchase more efficient equipment?  Can we simply use less energy?  Can we buy it from green sources?

In order to continue to reduce emissions, it is vital that all stakeholders of Thomas Storey, including both customers and suppliers, do all they can to help make this possible; packaging on delivered goods should be reviewed, coatings on finished products could be amended, methods and timings of deliveries could be examined and so on.

If you would like further information on Thomas Storey’s carbon reduction progress please contact us.

Alternatively, if you would like to begin to reduce your carbon output, please visit the following websites for ideas and/or assistance.